Empower Care & People 2024

Dare to innovate! The emeis Group wants to empower your ideas to bring new ideas opportunities and value to the group

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Here some examples

Deploy mobile neurology and geriatrics units to help screen homecare recipients or remote patients for cognitive or behavioral disabilities. Paramedical staff would be in the field, and experts would use telemedicine to guide the assessment and judge the need for in-person screening. Following the assessment, seniors would be integrated into a personalized care plan.

The median age of kidney transplant recipients continues to rise. While waiting for a transplant, we can help them optimize their quality of life, maintain their valid recipient status and optimize the outcome of an eventual transplant through a dedicated part-time hospitalization care program to enable them to remain at home for as long as possible. The program is built around a multidisciplinary geriatric assessment, a personalized plan and remote monitoring, as well as remote physical and psychological therapy.

The senior medico-social emergency unit (CUMSS) will strengthen the link between home, nursing homes and hospital, with very early intervention to limit unjustified hospitalizations and enable the elderly patient to be better integrated into a medico-social pathway and cared for in the right channels after a complete multidisciplinary assessment carried out in a very short stay.