Excellence Awards 2024

¿Has estado trabajando en un proyecto original o tienes una idea que quieres desarrollar? No pierda tiempo y presente su solicitud hoy mismo.

Challenge Rules

emeis Excellence Awards Rules

This Challenge is sponsored by ORPEA S.A, having a capital of 80 800 093,75€, registered at the Trade Registry of Nanterre with the number 301 160 750, located 12 RUE JEAN JAURES 92800 PUTEAUX, FRANCE (the “Sponsor”).



The aim of these Rules is to set out the terms and conditions governing your participation in the Challenge. By registering for this Challenge, you fully and unconditionally agree to comply with these Rules. If you do not agree with any of these Rules, do not register for this Challenge and do not submit an entry.







This Challenge begins on May 1st  2022 at 1pm and ends 30th of November 2022 at midnight. The Challenge will be accessible 24 hours a day on the dedicated Challenge website operated by Agorize at [https://openinnovation.orpea.com/] (“the Challenge website”), subject to possible IT maintenance operations and malfunctions. Dates and times in these Rules refer to Central European Time (CET). For the sake of clarity, “Agorize” refers to AGORIZE SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €107,205.90, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 530 774 439 and whose registered office is located at 15 rue Béranger, 75003 Paris, France.




Any eligible person who is registered on the Challenge website and enrolls to participate in the Challenge (“Participant” or “You” or “Your”), is required to review and accept these Rules. By accessing and accepting these Rules, You fully and unconditionally agree to comply with these Rules. Participants express their agreement by checking an online box while enrolling for the Challenge.


In case of non-respect of these Rules, the Participant will be immediately disqualified from the Challenge and no prize will be awarded, nor may claim for any compensation whatsoever.





To take part in the Challenge, we must have received Your completed registration by September 15th  2024 17:59pm.


To register, the Participant must first have created a user account on the Challenge website, and must have truthfully and accurately completed required information, such as full name, email address, etc. 


Any registration based on inaccurate, false or incomplete information will result in the Participant’s disqualification. Refusing collection, recording and use of their personal data that is strictly necessary to performing the Challenge will result in the Participant’s disqualification. The Participant is solely responsible for the information he/she provides while its registration. Any intentional or non-intentional mistake, anomaly or inconsistency, regarding this information, may result in the Participant’s disqualification. Sponsor reserves the right to proceed all necessary verifications regarding the Participant’s identity, postal and/or email address.


Deletion of a Participant’s user account on the Challenge website will be deemed as a withdrawal from the Challenge. In this case, the Participant, regardless of whether the deletion results from the Participant’s personal act or not, will not participate in the Challenge, and will not give rise to any compensation whatsoever.


To be enrolled in the Challenge, You must have accepted the Rules as well as the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, during the creation of Your user account and Your registration to the Challenge. 


Registration for and participation in the Challenge is free, with no purchase or payment obligation.





This Challenge is open and offered solely to:


Current emeis Employees in any of the incorporated cluster, countries or business unit. Employees can be in long or short term contract. All the documents confirming the Participant’s eligibility will be required prior to awarding any prizes (e.g. identity document, registration certificate etc.). This Challenge is not open to employees’ families Agorize. This Challenge is void in countries where it is prohibited or restricted by law.





Participation in the Challenge can be solo or employee may join up as a team hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”.



The goal of the Challenge is for Participants to submit contributions (or projects) meeting the requirements determined by the Sponsor in the Challenge brief, and that are formalized by deliverables. The brief includes information regarding various deadlines, details of the prizes, Sponsor requirements, etc. (the “Brief”). The Brief is accessible through the Challenge website.





During the Challenge, Participants will upload any documents or other materials (such as texts, presentations, videos, etc.) relating to their project on the Challenge website in response and as a solution to the Sponsor’s Challenge (the “Deliverable(s)”).


To be eligible, Deliverables must (i) address the specific issue set out in the Brief, (ii) be in a common digital format, such as, DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX, KEY, ODT, MP3, MPEG, MOV, MP4, and (iii) be in English , and in general terms must comply with these Rules.


If a Deliverable cannot be downloaded by the Sponsor, is not in the right format or is incompatible, illegible, or unintelligible, the Deliverable will be disqualified.


By submitting a Deliverable, Participants represent and warrant that:


-The Deliverable exclusively includes contributions from a Solo participant or from a Team.

-Otherwise, if any content from a third party has been used in the development of the Deliverable, all rights, authorizations, certificates, and agreements necessary to submit the Deliverable and grant the rights mentioned herein have been obtained. In addition, the existence of uncredited third-party contributions in the Deliverable will result in the disqualification of the Deliverable and the related Participants; In any cases above mentioned, the Participants guarantee and shall hold harmless the Sponsor from any actions from a third party that may be intended against him.

-No other individual and/or entity is entitled to claim any rights from the use of the Deliverable; and

-The content of the Deliverable does not and will not infringe or violate any rights of any third party or entity, including, without limitation, intellectual property rights, privacy, competition law, confidentiality, or any contractual or extracontractual right. All Deliverables suspected of any law(s) and/or any third party’s right infringement will be ineligible. In any cases above mentioned, the Participants guarantee and shall hold harmless the Sponsor from any actions from a third party that may be intended against him.


Participants are responsible for and shall bear any costs or expenses associated with preparing and submitting Deliverables. Participants assume all risk of damaged, lost, late, incomplete, invalid, incorrect or misdirected Deliverables.